A Guide to Choosing the Right Locks for Home Security
August 20, 2014 | Written by: Armstrong Security
The purpose of exterior door locking mechanisms is to keep anyone who has not been given access to your home from getting inside. Unfortunately, the dissemination of information about lock picking means that many locks cannot provide homeowners with the peace of mind they are looking for when it comes to protecting their homes. Fortunately, there are still some locks that can make your home’s exterior doors nearly impenetrable to those without a key or code. As you set out to find the best locks for your home, consider the following advice.
Prioritize Exterior Locks
If you are looking to replace all the locks in your home and are working with a limited budget, give precedence to exterior door locks and locks to rooms in which valuables or guns are stored. A high-quality home safe that is designed for the storage of guns or personal documents can eliminate the need for any high-security locks inside your home.
Deadbolts are Essential
Deadbolts still offer the best prevention against burglars looking to pick locks. There are many types of deadbolts, many of which are classified as high security. If you can afford it, choose high security deadbolt mechanisms that can only be unlocked with anti-lock bumping keys such as the Mul-T Lock High Security Key.
Choosing a Reputable Locksmith Will Pay Off
A good locking mechanism will only provide you with great protection if it is installed by a skilled and experienced locksmith whom you can trust. Do not hire a locksmith company just because it is close to your home or offers affordable services. Shop around until you find a reputable locksmith who makes you feel comfortable.
While high-security deadbolt locks will keep the majority of would-be burglars from entering your home, they are only one part of a comprehensive home security system. You can ramp up your home’s fortification against unwelcome visitors by installing an effective security system equipped with CCTV monitoring cameras. To speak with an experienced Orlando locksmith who installs a range of high-security deadbolt locks and also installs CCTV security equipment, call Armstrong Lock & Security Products at (407) 434-0181.
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