Facts About Burglary in the United States


Explore these facts and stats about property crime in the United States to get a feel for how common burglary is in the States. Understand the importance of protecting your valuables and your family by using safes , high-security deadbolts, and CCTV security monitoring.

Happy neighbourhood

Around $5 Billion in Property is Lost Each Year
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , the average burglary in 2010 resulted in just over $2,000 of property theft. Multiply that loss by the nearly 2,200,000 burglaries that take place each year, and the net property loss that results from burglary comes to some $5 billion annually.

The Rate of Burglary is Relatively Stable
FBI data from the decade starting in 2000 suggests that the frequency of burglaries and the losses they invoke have held fairly consistent in recent history. Small increases and decreases have been reported, but no major fluctuations have been reported over the last 15 years.

The Front Door is the Most Popular Point of Entry
Nearly three-quarters of all burglaries take place on residential properties. The most common access point for burglaries at home is the front door, with back doors being the second most popular. If you are going to make one change to your home’s security, fitting your front and back doors with deadbolts is a good first step to make.

Unfortunately, there is no way to 100% guarantee that your home will not be broken into. You can, however, store your valuables in a fire-resistant safe, upgrade your locks, and use CCTV security cameras to make your Orlando home less of a target to burglars. To learn more about these  security and access control products  or arrange to have them set in place in your Orlando home or business, call Armstrong Lock & Security Products at (407) 434-0181.

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