Teens Break Into Orlando Apartment
March 31, 2015 | Written by: Armstrong Security
Often, when burglars strike a home, they not only steal, they do a lot of damage as well. Once inside, some thieves feel free to commit rampant vandalism as they search for valuables. Watch this news video to learn how three teen burglars did just that recently in Orlando. The three thieves, one only 15, broke a window in broad daylight to gain entry, then completely ransacked a woman’s home while also stealing a Tiffany necklace, iPad, tablet computer, and pharmaceuticals.
To protect your home, not only from theft, but also from vandalism, call (407) 434-0191 and talk to the professionals at Armstrong Lock & Security Products, Orlando’s security leader since 1929. We sell and install residential access control equipment , CCTV video monitoring systems, and a wide range of other security products designed to keep you and your home safe.